Tuesday 3 October 2017

Grandmother outraged after school tells 11-year-old granddaughter her dress is too 'distracting' for picture day Yahoo Style.

Picture day is the most important day of the school year for a budding fashionista — and possibly the worst day to wear the wrong thing. Which is why 11-year-old Vegas from Montana wore a new dress for the occasion. The heather gray dress with big pink flowers looked lovely on the middle school student. It had a high neck and no sleeves and rested right above her knees. She wore leggings under the dress, making it totally appropriate for school. Or so her family thought.

Unfortunately, leggings were not enough; picture day ended in disaster when Vegas was cited for violating the school dress coded for “showing her shoulders,” according to her grandmother Sandra Lynn Beeler Darling.

Vegas was devastated, as any little girl in what she thought was a picture perfect outfit would have been. And so was her grandmother, who posted a photo of Vegas on Facebook with a caption explaining what happened. In the photo, Vegas is crying.

By Maggie Parker.

Full story at Yahoo News.

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